Nano literally means small. As the name signifies the Zeutech Nano Blender is a smaller version of Zeutech Powder Blender or Powder Mixer. It is an innovative, efficient, advanced and sophisticated machine for homogeneous blending or mixing or emulsifying or dissolving of dry and wet ingredients into fluid stream. This is an excellent machine for in-line mixing and homogenizing. In-line homogeneous mixing is the need of the hour for many industries, because the performance and sophistication of powder blenders outshine the other conventional methods. Nano Blenders save time by reducing recirculation requirement. It’s high shear rates reduce blend times and ensure consistent product results. More than 25 years of extensive experience coupled with advanced cutting-edge technology and precise engineering calculations has made us the leading Nano Blender manufacturer and exporter. Predominantly used in milk reconstitution and stabilization, ice cream mix preparation, sugar dissolving etc. the Nano Blender can be used in numerous applications.

Application: Dairies, beverages, fruit-based drinks, sugar dissolving, food processing, pharmaceuticals, Ayurveda and herbal medicine production and many more.

Nano blender is essentially a powder blender which does the job of powder blender effortlessly with a lesser scale than the powder blender. Every aspect of our Nano Blender like selection of rightly rated pump, flow control etc. are taken in greatest care to provide the users optimum benefits like finest product quality, reduction of operation time, product safety, low operational running cost, minimum human intervention, error free operation, environmental savings etc.

What stand out in case of Zeutech Nano Blenders are: high levels of safety and hygiene, superior flow control, reliable and efficient homogeneous mixing and dissolving, durable and sturdy construction, flawless design, unmatched after-sales service etc., all these in a very affordable pricing.

Effective mixing and blending

Zeutech Nano Blender provides quick, high-performance blending of wet and dry ingredients into a fluid stream. What makes Zeutech Nano Blender unique is its proven pump and blender system that is easy and convenient to operate.

The rotor-stator design of the Zeutech shear pump does the job of mixing and blending superbly with higher level of homogenization and eliminates unblended products and prevent forming of lumps and masses for consistent batch to batch repeatability.

Customization to suit the need best

Our custom built nano blenders are available in a wide capacity range from 100 to 300 kgs/hr to ensure the best fit to the customers’ need and processing requirements. If the desired capacity exceeds 300 kgs/hr, we offer our customers to choose Zeutech Powder Blender which starts from 500 kgs/hr. Based on the product and its characteristics and the desired product mixture, we can deliver suitable nano blender with suitable rated shear pump and other components.

Sophisticated design

Zeutech Nano Blenders are superiorly designed for maximum hygiene and minimum energy consumption. Our nano blenders are equipped with high-end components. The striking feature of our nano blender is Zeutech make Shear Pump. Several other components are made in-house with latest cutting-edge technology and fabrication works are completed in our full-fledged facility with greater care for optimum performance. Accurate designed and choosing right and suitable pump put our Nano Blender at the zenith of the podium in its spectrum.

Hygiene 100%

The product contact parts of entire construction are sanitary and 100% hygienic. Made of high grade stainless steel (SS 304, SS 316, SS 304L, SS 316L, SS 310 and SA 213 grades and other food grade materials and components, our entire Nano Blender is contamination free and devoid of any pathological threat. The blender is easy to clean and fully compatible and works in-sync with cleaning-in-place (CIP).

We know blending better

The Zeutech Shear Pump uses an intermeshed rotor and stator system to disperse particles into liquid. The rotating teeth pass within 0.5 mm of the stationary teeth at high speeds, causing a tremendous amount of turbulence. As centrifugal force pushes the product towards the outlet, the intensity of this turbulence ensures that all product must be thoroughly blended to exit the shear Pump.

Better blending in less time

The Nano Blender provides quick and high-performance blending of wet and dry ingredients into a fluid stream that

  • • Dramatically reduces process times.
  • • Produces consistent batches.
  • • Devours lumps, clumps, and fish-eyes.
  • • Cleans in place.
  • • Eliminates ladder climbing.
Economical and less operation cost

Zeutech powder blender is economical to own and the operation cost is also very less. The energy efficient shear pump greatly reduces the power consumption. The blender system eliminates usage of many other equipments as were used in conventional methods, thus the owning cost is minimum.

Mobility to make best use of the blender

One of the best features of the nano blender is its mobility. The entire blender system comprising the shear pump, valve, funnel, platform etc., are aligned and packed into a highly compact design with wheels. The wheels make the entire blender unit mobile, thus the blender system can be moved from one place to another place of need. Thus one blender can be used for many process lines, thus greatly reducing the cost of other mixing blenders or equipments. This user-friendly mobile unit has a built-in-platform to facilitate handling of heavy bags of powder. The blender easily slides into position for convenient placement of the bags during mixing.

Outperforms the conventional methods of mixing

Zeutech nano blender outperforms the other conventional methods of mixing like batch mixer or the funnel pump.

  • a. Better than batch mixer

    In a batch mixer the product may stick to the tank and never reach the agitator, whereas in our blender this deficiency is completely avoided. The process time is measured in hours and the processing time is higher than the Zeutech Nano Blender. The other shortcoming is that the batch size is limited to the size of the tank in case of the batch mixer, whereas in-case of Zeutech nano blender, there is no certain restricted batch size as our blender system is a continuous in-line mixing process.

  • b. Better than funnel pump

    The funnel pump system relying on gravity or vortex or venture effect to force powder into liquid can lead to clogging or clump formation as viscosity increases. The pumping through a screen will not thoroughly blend the products. The belts and bearings cause higher maintenance issues, thus increasing the maintenance cost and downtime. Our nano blender system doesn’t create any such issues and works far better than the funnel pump.

Convenience and ease in operation

Ease in operation, unambiguous procedure, compact design etc. are some of the distinguished features that makes our nano blender one of the most sought after brands available in the spectrum. Operated friendly operating procedure makes our nano blender one of the easiest machines to handle.

One blender, diverse applications

Where there is a need of mixing or blending, the Zeutech Nano Blender fits the requirement. Thus the application of the blender, the areas where it can be used become quite diverse.

  • Milk reconstitution
  • Milk stabilization
  • Chocolate milk
  • Cottage cheese dressing
  • Ice cream Mix
  • Yogurt
  • Sour cream
  • Eggnog
  • Pudding
  • Tablet coatings
  • Cough syrup
  • Topical ointments
  • Lotions
  • Vitamin drinks
  • Biodiesel
  • Paintballs
  • Fertilizer
  • Beverage
  • Orange juice
  • Mineral water
  • Green tea
  • Vegetable juice
  • Olive oil and water emulsion
  • Salsa and hot sauce
  • Ketchup and mustard
  • Vegetable oil refining
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salad dressing
  • Pizza sauce
  • Pectin
  • Carrageenan
  • Starches
  • Gelatine
  • Xanthan Gum
Quality uncompromised

Our uncompromising stand on quality, hygiene and sanitation, robust and durable construction, incorporating high-end components are the key ingredients to make the unbeatable performer, the advanced nano blender which gets made in accordance to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

Sophistication and safety, hand in hand

Equipped with latest technology, sophisticated control panel the modern unit of nano blender offers maximum value to its users. The unit is equipped with electrical and other safety devices so as to ensure 100% safe working.

Service and support

With Zeutech Nano Blender, you get 100% quality assurance with unmatched service and round-the-clock support. Our experienced commissioning team provides training and demo sessions to the workmen during commissioning to make them fully capable to run the nano blender system hassle-free. Our support team makes solutions readily available for any technical issues through multi-channel communications.

Pollution free

The nano blender runs without creating noise or any other pollution. These testaments our commitment to clean environment and sustainability policy.