Zeutech Pasteurizer is an efficient, advanced and sophisticated machine to pasteurize the raw milk or other products, making into harmful pathogenic bacteria-free with reduced enzymatic activity and without damaging the product that is suitable for human consumption. Thus it increases the shelf-life of the products resulting in production, distribution and consumption in much greater scale with convenience.

Application: Milk, cream, yoghurt, paneer, cheese, ice-cream mix, juice, beers, honey etc.

Every aspect of our pasteurizer like temperature program, flow control etc. are taken in greatest care to provide the users optimum benefits like product safety, finest product quality, low operational running cost, minimum human intervention, error free operation, environmental savings etc.

What stand out in case of Zeutech Pasteurizers are: high levels of safety and hygiene, superior process control, reliable and efficient heat treatment, durable and sturdy construction, flawless design unmatched after-sales service etc., all these in a very affordable pricing.

Effective pasteurization

Years of experience coupled with advanced technology, precise engineering calculation, most suitable temperature program, all that result into effective pasteurization of milk or other products to get rid of the harmful pathogenic bacteria and reduces the enzymatic activity. During this process, we ensure to offer optimized pasteurization without loss of product quality as least as possible.

Customization to suit the need best

Our custom built pasteurizers are available in a wide capacity ranges to ensure the best fit to the customers’ need and processing line. Based on the product and the desired shelf life, we can deliver various methods of heat treatment, like high temperature - short time (HTST), or ultra-high temperature process (UHT), short time heating – high temperature (STHT), by means of indirect or direct heating.

Sophisticated design

Zeutech Pasteurizers are superiorly designed for maximum hygiene and minimum energy consumption. Our pasteurizers are equipped with high-end components. Several components are made in-house with latest cutting-edge technology and some components are sourced from the best brands and makers of the world to make the best pasteurizer for optimum performance. Accurate designed and sized holding coil or holding tube and the ‘best’ plate pack available position our pasteurizer at the zenith of the podium.

Efficient and ease in operation

Ease in operation, unambiguous procedure, compact design etc. are some of the distinguished features that makes our pasteurizers one of the most sought after brands available in the spectrum. Controlled by fully automatic system, the error occurrence frequency is zero as it completely eliminates the human intervention. Operated friendly operating procedure makes our pasteurizer one of the easiest machines to handle.


Hygiene 100%

The product contact parts of entire construction are sanitary and 100% hygienic. Made of high grade stainless steel (SS 304, SS 316, SS 304L, SS 316L, SS 310 and SA 213 grades and other food grade materials and components, our entire pasteurizer module is contamination free and devoid of any pathological threat. The pasteurizer is easy to clean and fully compatible and works in-sync with cleaning-in-place (CIP).

Quality uncompromised

Our uncompromising stand on quality, hygiene and sanitation, robust and durable construction, incorporating high-end components are the key ingredients to make the unbeatable performer, Pasteurizer which gets made in accordance to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

Sophistication and safety, hand in hand

Equipped with latest technology, digital controls and digital indicators, the pasteurizer module is a contemporary and modern unit which offers maximum value to its users. The unit is equipped with inbuilt electrical and other safety devices so as to ensure 100% safe working.

In-sync operation

The automatic or semi-automatic controlled pasteurizer operates in-sync with other process line equipment like the homogenizer, cream separator etc. Dedicated pasteurizer module for dedicated product Apart from milk pasteurizer, we manufacture advanced cream pasteurizer, yoghurt/curd milk pasteurizer, cheese milk pasteurizer, juice pasteurizer, honey pasteurizer etc. A dedicated pasteurizer module for dedicated product has a higher level of product quality.

Service and support

With Zeutech Pasteurizer, you get 100% quality assurance with unmatched service and round-the-clock support. Our experienced commissioning team provides training and demo sessions to the workmen during commissioning to make them fully capable to run the pasteurizer hassle-free. Our support team makes solutions readily available for any technical issues through multi-channel communication.

Pollution free

The pasteurizer runs without creating noise or any other pollution. These testaments our commitment to clean environment and sustainability policy.